Friday, September 19, 2008

Thou shalt not shoot thy neighbor’s dog…?

Those of you who know me, know that I am true animal lover. Most of the time I have more compassion for animals than I do for people (as terrible as that sounds). I especially love dogs. Just 2 days ago we had a beautiful Siberian husky wondering up & down our street – she was lost. I gained her trust, coaxed her to me & fed her some lunch meat. She was so skinny. I would have kept her in a heart beat had she stayed. But, she was on a grave mission to find home so on her way she went. SEE…I really do like animals!

SO, two weeks ago it began. The barking. ALL night barking. Not just a woof woof here & a woof woof there. Hours and hours and hours of barking…3 houses down, on the street that runs behind our house. I don’t know if new renters moved in, or if they just bought a new family pet, but the barking will not stop. Literally, it is the LAST thing I hear before I finally fall asleep at night, and the FIRST thing I hear when I get up in the morning. Oh, the insanity. To make matters worse, Jeff and I are pretty frugal. With the cooler nights here, we’d love to open our windows & let the house cool naturally. But we can’t. WHY? BECAUSE OF THE BARKING. The all night, constant, unending, everlasting barking. I think it may be starting to drive me over the edge just a little bit. I’m not sure I have ever wanted to physically hurt a dog like I do this one. That scares me a tad. What should we do? My coworker suggested shooting it with an air gun. I must confess that the ‘sinner’ in me really liked that thought for a moment. But I won’t do that. I’ve thought about calling the police, but I don’t want to and think that should be a last resort. As it is now, we can’t open our widows & we have to turn our fan on high to drown out the noise just enough to sleep. And dang it, I feel like I should be able to open my windows in peace at night, right?? Oi Vey.

Has anyone else had to deal w/ this problem??


Townsend said...

chrissa! sounds terribly annoying! WELL...when my parents go out of town, i guess my dog back home barks like crazy and this last trip a neighbor did call the cops! (we had no idea he would even bark like that while they were gone. so now they will have to make other arrangements when they leave town. so my vote is to CALL CALL CALL the police!(make it anonymous if you have to)...that is definite noise pollution and you should be able to enjoy open windows at night! perhaps the owners are unaware? CALL!!!!!!!!!!!

Clay and J said...

bummer! but i love how you can make me laugh even with a serious story! :)
if your neighborhood has some sort of homeowner's association, you might try that first and see if there is something established for those kinds of complaints. if that doesn't work, i'd probably call the police, too.

hey, i want to hear about your special date! more stories please! :)

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

chrissa, i have no solution, but a sling shot came to mind. sorry! i know that is cruel but it comes to my mind when i visit my mom because her dog barks a lot at night also. calling cops is probably the best bet.

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

chris says pellet gun. :) sold at walmart. can even get a lazer sight for shooting in dark.