Thursday, September 25, 2008

Time to exercise!!

I just finished a hard 20 minute workout (working up to 30). I HAVE GOT to get back in shape and it starts NOW. Since I graduated college nearly 4 years ago, I have become a desk junkie. I've put on a good 15 pounds (NOT that I'm overweight) and have become so out of shape. It's ridiculous. When I was in school, I probably walked 5 miles a day just going to and from class!! And when we were dating, Jeff and I used to be SOOO active. But, I need to face the fact that my life is just different now. My schedule is different, my lifestyle is different, my eating habits are different. Everything is different. So I need a new program!! And, I figure if I blog about it, maybe it will make me more accountable to stick to my new program! Ya'll - hold me accountable, will ya? 30 minutes least 5 days a week. And None of this pansy stuff either...I'm talking I wanna sweat! I wanna hurt! I wanna feel my face get red! I wanna taste the salt dripping into my mouth! I wanna burn!!!!!

Ok, maybe not that dramatic - but you get the idea!!! ;)


Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

lol! you crack me up! glad the dog is not a saga anymore. i'll pray for your family. love ya,r

Clay and J said...

girl, i'm with ya...i need to exercise, but it's so hard to find time, even though i'm at home! good luck! i like to walk with clay and gracie in the evenings, but gracie and i need to walk more in the mornings, too. cause clay likes to just mosie (sp?) when he walks! :)