Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Jeff and I got to babysit little Logan for the first time Monday night! Thanks for leaving her w/ us Lindsey! We only watched her for a couple of hours, but we had a great time. I realized something - babies are a lot of work!! LOL! But it was worth it. I fed her, burped her, AND changed her diaper. Jeff was so hands on - he held her & showed her the fish tank & other stuff. What great practice for us!! I can't believe how big she's getting...and SOOO stinkin cute!

She's now big enough to sit in her bumbo. Look adem cheeks!! :)

It was nearly impossible to get a good picture - she wouldn't look at the camera OR hold still!

There's a smile!!!

Come stay with us again soon Logan!!!!!

1 comment:

Clay and J said...

Gracie has that same onesie--it's one of my favorites! I'm glad y'all are getting some's so much fun!