Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Well, our camping trip went great last weekend!!  Jeff, I and my dad left Friday around 4:30 & didn't get home until Sunday night around 8:30.  Talk about exhausted!!!  But it was well worth it.  We ate great food, saw gorgeous scenery, and shared plenty of laughs.  Friday night was pretty cold, but Jeff built us a fire & we just sat around & talked.  Saturday & Sunday were both spent hiking along Richland Creek (about an hour east of Jasper).  On our way back to camp Saturday, we met Tom Kennon (a local celebrity of sorts).  He has written a couple of canoeing guide books to the Ozarks.  In fact, we have one of them sitting in our collection & it's one of Jeff's favorites!  It was pretty cool to meet this guy.  He was very down to earth (he & my dad could have talked photography for hours) & seemed reluctant to even tell us his full name.   It was a very cool encounter - in the middle of the woods of all things!!  Such a small world.  

Sunday, on our way home our trailer began to fish tail out of control (thankfully on a dirt road so we were traveling slowly).  We got out to look at it & the trailer tongue had come apart (it was an Uncle James "homemade special" LOL).  SO  - we had to make-shift it back together enough to pull it to someone's house & leave it until my dad & uncle could get back the next day to repair it.  It took us so long to get it fixed enough to pull to someone's house that we just headed to Jasper after that for dinner at...?  You guessed it - The Ozark Cafe!!!!  HA!  2 Saturdays in a row!!!  I love it!

It was a really great trip  - too many stories to tell them all.  My camera batteries were dead so I didn't get any pictures though. Hopefully my dad will e-mail me some & I can add them later :0)

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