Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Since moving back to NWA, we are always seeing all these "OH, What a coincidence!" type connections pop up. I guess it's like that small town "oh I know her sister!" or "Oh, I went to school with his wife!" kinda thing. Well, Jeff met an exciting 'connection' the other day! He called Garver Engineers to talk to them about engineering internship/job possibilities and spoke to a guy named Chris Buntin. WELLLLLLL - turns out, Chris Buntin is Sarah Buntin's husband, and Sarah Buntin used to have Chrissa Hickle's job at Glory Transportation!!!!!!! Say it with me - "What a coincidence"!!!! Sarah left Glory about a couple of years ago when she had a baby. She still comes in time to time, and although I've never really talked with her much, I definitely know who she is. So neat!!!!

What's really awesome is that I see God at work here. When I found Garver online several months ago, I just had a peace about it. I think it's great that they have offices all over the US, including Fayetteville and Little Rock, ARKANSAS!!!!! And I think it could be a good starting point for Jeff.

So I am asking you to pray for us. I think there is big potential for ministry if Jeff were to work there. Who knows, this may not be the place for Jeff to work the rest of his life, and that's FINE!! But I do see God at work doing something, and it makes me very excited. :-)

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