Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm alive!!!

OK, so I have SEVERAL blog posts I want to do, but I cannot for the life of me remember to bring my camera to upload pictures!!!! (do I sound like a broken record by now???) I promise I'm alive and back from my Internet hiatus (which didn't really go so hard to stay off), but I just can't remember to bring my camera to blog. I even laid it on the table last night, but it wasn't enough to remind me to grab it this morning. Oi Vey!

So hang with me faithful followers!!! Stay tuned for these exciting updates....

Father's Day weekend & summer fun!
The Hickle Garden
Turtle Update!

OH! And our home computer crashed - if you missed that little update on my Facebook. Ya, our not even 3-year-old Mac just one day up & died. $1500 computer just up and DIED people!!!!!! Hard drive is shot - computer is TOAST. Everything gone. Talk about a life lesson in material things. Oh, you gotta love it!!! So we're borrowing my dad's dinosaur lap top for now. Thanks dad!!! It works and that is all that matters. Not sure what the future will hold for a more permanent solution. We'll see :)


Anonymous said...

So sorry your mac crashed. When ours crashed, we lost all our pictures of Adriel from infancy to about a year. It was devastating. We will never not back up again!

Clay and J said...

We still love you :)
Looking forward to pics and more updates!