Maybelline XXL - eye lash extension mascara! I got very excited because I love to play around w/ my eye makeup. So the next time I was at Wal-Mart, I bought some. Well, let me tell ya ladies...don't wast your money! Not only is it expensive, but it is also very time consuming and does not extend your lashes as well as the commercial would make you think. It is a 2 step process and who has time for 4 coats (2 on each eye) of mascara every morning?! I was rather disappointed, mainly because I paid like $6 for 1 teeny tiny tube. (sincethere are 2 steps, the liquid amount is smaller in each side than a normal tube of mascara) And, it really didn't work. I don't know, you may like it, but I didn't.
So there you have it. Beauty lesson 1-on-1 with Chrissa! :0)
Thanks for the tip! I am pretty much in a makeup rut and have been getting the same mascara for years (Loreal, waterproof brown-black), but I hope there will be future product reviews, and perhaps I'll branch out one day if you find something worth trying! :)
mascara was always a must with me, but after i got pregnant and it seemed like i had a limited amount of time to get dressed in the morning and then at night i'd just want to crash and go to sleep right away, i decided eye shadow with eye liner was enough. it would take too long to apply it in the morning and then wash it off at night. so i'm mascara-less now. thanks for the warning though!
i'm a maybelline full n soft gal!
but thanks for the tip! my galpals at work are always discussing make-up so i'll spread the word!!
(and so wish you had liquid in your mouth when you said you burst out laughing!!)heee
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