Friday, November 14, 2008

Recently in Hickleland

I bought batteries for my camera (finally). I hope to post pictures again one of these days :0)

We are going to stay at Jeff's parent's house this weekend while they are in Florida. I love staying at their place! It's like a vacation. Jacuzzi tub, cable TV, acreage, 4-wheelers, ponds, creek, etc. So much fun.

Speaking of Florida, Jeff's parents are moving there!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sad. I hate that they are leaving...we have loved living closer to them the past year, and I can't even tell you how much we will miss them. But I'm excited for them. His stepdad is starting work for a new company & I am praying this will be a wonderful new chapter in their life. Plus they're going to be living right by the ocean. Who can't get excited over that?!

We got a 4-wheeler! His parent's gave it to us, along with the trailer. Very exciting stuff.

My mom may be going on a mission trip to France with her church. BIG MOVE for her. She's never been anywhere or done anything like this. I am so excited for her I get tears in my eyes when I think about it. Pray for her. And pray she can raise financial support.

My step-mom is doing ok w/ her chemo. It is getting harder the more treatments she has, but she is a trooper. Very strong woman.

Work is good. School is good, but tough. Jeff has a lot of really hard tests next week. ugh. I'm proud of him though. He works so hard! His math homework the other day was 31 pages!! 31 pages of working out problems & graphs. Can you believe that?! It's MATH class!!! My gosh that's insane!!

Well, there's the latest. TTFN

1 comment:

Clay and J said...

Looking forward to pictures! I guess the good thing about family living in Florida place to stay in Florida! :)