Monday, September 28, 2009


Jeff and I had a very busy weekend, but we did manage to have a little bit of fun Sunday when we went on a 4 wheeler ride! Oh how I just love exploring on the 4 wheeler. You can cover so much more ground than you can on foot. The weather was beautiful, the rain had all the plants so lush and green – it was just a FABULOUS day to be outside. However, in keeping with Hickle tradition, the ride was not all bliss. Here’s how things went down…

A little over an hour in to our ride, we stopped at an old old campsite to walk around & explore a little bit. We didn’t find much – just an old rock wall that was partly collapsing so we got back on the 4 wheeler & continued down the trail. Well, another hour down the road, we came across this beautiful waterfall area! (Man, I wish I had my camera with me) At the waterfall, we stopped to take a break and walk around some more. My ankle kept itching (3 or 4 times in the same spot), so I looked to investigate. I noticed these 3 itty bitty teeny tiny dots (almost microscopic) crawling around so I hollered at Jeff to come over (I thought they must be chiggers). He looked at me and said “Those are seed ticks”. I said there’s no way – they’re too small! But sure enough they WERE seed ticks!!! I sat down & took my shoes and socks off and ya’ll, baby seed ticks were crawling over my ankles!!!!!!! Then, I started looking at my legs and they were crawling all over my legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And all over my pants!!!!! And up to my stomach!!!!!!! I WAS COVERED IN SEED TICKS - EEEEEEWWWWWWWEEEEEEEE. I must have picked them up on one of our stops. Oh, the horror!!!! Between Jeff and I, we brushed them off as best as possible and headed for the house where I immediately jumped in the shower to clean off!!!

First the maggots, and now this?!?! Oh the drama that is my life!!!


Clay and J said...

You poor thing! Those are the worst!

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

i'm itching thinking about this!