Tuesday, March 16, 2010

...........................Ali's first hike!

I'm way behind on this post, but we took Ali hiking several weeks ago. I truly believe that this dog was BORN to HIKE!! In fact, I would love to get her a doggie T-shirt that says it...LOL! She absolutely LOVED it. It was hilarious - she was so excited that she would run way ahead of us on the trial, then circle back & run back to us. Then she'd do it again and again...she was just having so much fun. Quite entertaining!

Starting on the trail

Pretty water!

Family pic :-)
Ali loves the water. Has no problem crossing creeks or getting her feet (and body) wet. Which is good because Jeff and I spend a LOT of time in the water during the summer!

We stopped at Shores lake on our way home. It was sooo pretty!!

Crossing the dam

Tuckered out after a long day

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