Sunday, September 28, 2008


Admission to the Tulsa zoo = $8.00

Dinner for two at Emperor's Buffet = $18.00

1 slice of strawberry cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory = $7.00

An entire, uninterrupted Saturday with my husband?! = PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!

It was the best!  And boy was it needed!!  :0)  Unfortunately, I can't find my camera right now, so I did not get a single picture of the day.  Oh well...we'll cherish the memories in our hearts!!!


Townsend said... are SOOOOO pregnant because you have not put a single pic of yourself up in forever!

Chris and Rebecca Lee said...

love your blog entries... random q: do you know the journey blog that was started (by you i think) a while back? i want to get brooke's potato soup recipe off of there. thanks,r