Monday, November 2, 2009

...........................Saying Goodbye

Well, the time has come for Jeff's mom to officially move to Florida :( .... Sniffle.....tear!!!!! She's been here for almost a year by herself while Jeff's step dad has been working in FL. I must say, I completely admire her ability to do it. I would have jumped ship a LOOOOOOOONG time ago!!! (and by that I mean move down there with him..not 'leave him') It's really so sad that they are moving away from Arkansas. I know a lot of people don't get along with their in-laws & this would be a dream come true for some, but I truly LOVE Jeff's parents and I utterly hate seeing them go. In fact, I can't blog too much about it or I'll probably break down into sobfest 2009!!!!

We took pizza out to their house last week to spend one more evening with them before they left. It was so weird seeing all the boxes & emptiness!!! We love you guys so much will miss you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

Eating on camping chairs b/c all the furniture was in the moving truck!! :(

Please please pray that their house will sell quickly. I know that God has his own time frame in mind, and we can't always see the bigger picture - but they are getting to the point where they really really need this house to sell. So please say a prayer on their behalf! Thanks!!

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